[PDF] Gift Horse Project Presents: - Free Download PDF (2024)

1 Gift Horse Project Presents: I. You. We. THREE papercranes Multi- Platform Artist Residency2 An Introduction To celebr...

Gift Ho rs e Pr o j e c t P re se n t s :

I. You. We. THREE papercranes Multi-Platform Artist Residency

An In t r o d u c t i on To celebrate the r e l e a se o f p a p erc ra n es’ “ THREE ” box s e t, I w a n t e d to produce a s h o w that w a s u n c o n v en tio n al and involved many talented local artists .

A s my v i si o n g rew larger s o d id the s p a c e re quire d, but I always

had G e o rg e A u g u s t o’s D i l e t t a n t e in mind as the pe rfe c t home for this expansive p r o d u c t i o n . H i s o n ly s t i p u l a t i o n w a s that I choose at least two art forms .

I chose 7 .

A n d s o the p a p erc ra n es multi- pla tform re s ide nc y

w a s born. N o t only d i d G e o rg e o p e n h is d o o rs to the p ro jec t, he consulted , advised , hel ped w i t h artist and investor o u tre a c h, and in a myriad of w a y s prove d hi ms elf invaluable . I am s o g r a t e f u l f o r the s p a c e, the many talented artists w h o came on board, and the s u p p o r t o f my frien d s and fa mily. A n d last but not least I’ m thankful to h a v e the o p p o rtu n ity to s h a r e it w i t h Y O U . LOVE IS P E R F E C T K I N D N E S S. LOVE S AV E A L L O F U S . xxx Rain

I. You. We. THREE A pe r formance in two acts to explore the d u a l i t y of love. B o o k e n d s to a h e a r t .

The light n ig h t o f a love affair. Like- minded artists asked to interpret a common theme through their re s p e c tiv e p r a c t i c e s: d a n c e; trapeze; fashion ; v is u a l arts ; theatre ; fi l m m a k i n g; music . To explore an idea collaboratively , y e t w i t h all the s e n s e s s e p a r a t e d: ears ; b o d ie s ; eyes ; v o i c e s . The medium of expression u n ite d b y the message . To h ope w e can b e tte r u n d e rs ta n d s o m e t h i n g w e think w e k n o w s o w e l l. Love. I. You .We. Three .

DILETTANTE GALLERY June 7th, June 14th, June 21st, June 28th 2012


“Bird’s Eye Knew” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beauty “Rose Stem” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Safety “Arvo’s Heart” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warmth “Tin Cup” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Awe

-INTERLUDE“Instrumental” .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



“Ending” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Passion “Greed” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hope “View” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lust “Pumpkin” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bravery

-FINALE“Save Us” .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


I. You. We. THREE Music & Lyrics

papercranes Words RUPERT FRIEND Lighting




Incidental Music

Stage Manager

Associate Producer





Graphic Design





Makeup Headdresses





Executive Producer


Directed by


CAST J A M I E tru mp et





Jamie Adams is primarily an artist but is always happy to be playing his trumpet. He's a regular in the Mortified After School Orchestra, and you can find his paintings and drawings at jfadamsart.com.


Cortney Alexander is so thrilled to be involved in this project that combines so many amazing artists! Originally hailing from Arizona, Cortney moved to LA after dancing with Zoetic Dance Ensemble, a Modern dance company in Atlanta. She currently can be seen dancing around town in various music videos, concerts and commercials. Cortney also often performs with M e c c a A n d r e w s' T h e M o v e m e n t M o v e m e n t . Cortney currently teaches dance for The Gabriella Foundation, an after school dance program for inner city kids. She would like to thank Rain and Mecca for being such amazing, beautiful dance partners!

Max Allyn is a Los Angeles based musician specializing in producing, engineering, and mixing. Hailing from the mountains of Montana, he’s been kicking along to the beat all the way back to the womb. Born to a family of musicians, he quickly picked up playing the drums, and in the following years picked up every other instrument he found in his home. Years of weekly rehearsals and tagging along to gigs formed a foundation of experience that is the cornerstone of his musical presence. He brings that personal history and intimate knowledge to every project. This is evident in a catalog that demonstrates his wide range of musical influences, and ability to create freely in any given genre. Based out of the East Side of LA, Max freelances as an Engineer, Producer and Mix Engineer.

dignitaries.Sometimes a school with .the absurd occasionally sleeping with the romantic. Relentlessly behind Social Action, sharing the simple words of please and thank you and MOVEMENT movement. Involved in all kinds of projects including Glee for Chevrolet, 2011 Grammy's, Lady Gaga, RENT, MTV Movie Awards, American Apparel, LA Art Show, LACE G a l l e r y, C e n t e r T h e a t r e G r o u p , H a m m e r M u s e u m, S a n t a M o n i c a Museum of Art. Flash on the Beach 2011, Director for The Standard Hotel LA event The Series, Choreography for Prince Poppyco*ck, MEN, The Submarines, The Slits, Astra B a l l e t C o m p a n y, L A Contemporary Dance Company, Hollywood Bowl, Bess, Toro y Moi, Basem*nt Jaxx among others. Featured in Paper Magazine, Rolling Stone, LA Record, LA Times. Mecca Vazie Andrews has taught for Loyola Marymount, Nashville School of the Arts, Broadway Dance Center, LA Contemporary Dance Company and Edge Performing Arts Center.

N O R M drums


MECCA ANDREWS d i r e c t o r / choreographer/dancer

C h o r e o g r a p h e r, D a n c e Instructor, Performance Artist, Artistic Director for The MOVEMENT movement. A lions den where nonsense is accompanied by a long line of

Norm block is a drummer and producer/engineer. He’s played drums with Mark Lanegan, plexi and sweethead. His current band the child has just released an ep on manimal records that he produced as well.

PA U L vi olin


Fantastico, Elevation Orchestra, and DaKah Hip Hop Orchestra.



MATT C O O K E R cello

Born and raised in Bakersfield, California, Paul Cartwright gre w up in a musical family. His mother, an adept multi wind instrumentalist, and his father, a versatile and much beloved guitarist in the Bakersfield music scene, owned a music store where Paul spent his childhood days. He began studying classical violin at the age of 7, but several years later a performance by Stéphane Grappelli which Paul attended with his parents opened up his mind to the possibilities of improvising and playing other styles of m u s i c o n h i s instrument. Paul spent his late teens and early twenties studying jazz and classical violin performance at CSU B a k e r s fi e l d a n d C S U Northridge under the tutelage of Dr. Doug Davis, Gary Pratt, David Aks, Mary Kim, and Arnold Belnik. Paul has since led a diverse career, touring and recording with a vast spectrum of artists, including Macy Gray, John McEuen, Kenny Loggins, Greg Poree, Rissi Palmer, Everlast, Ozomatli, Dr. Dre, members of Oingo Boingo, Black Eyed P e a s, L o s L o b o s a n d War.Paulhas been featured as a soloist on a number of television shows, video games and films, including Battlestar Galactica, Big Love, Trauma, and Mad Men. Paul currently resides in Los Angeles, and is a member of several progressive string groups, including the Los Angeles String Collective, Quartetto

Matt Cooker is a veteran Los Angels freelance musician who has worked on well over 500 major film scores, and is a tenured member of the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra. In the last year, he has recorded with Paul McCartney, Paul Anka, Michael Bolton and Michael Buble, among others, and played live shows and radio broadcasts with "Portugal. The Man", Amanda Abizaid, The Orchestre Surreal, Paula Kelley, George Sarah, Olafur Arnalds, Lili Haydn, Doran Danoff, Archer Black Band, and Rain Phoenix' papercranes. He has also been on the faculties of ISOMATA, the Henry Mancini Institute, and CalArts.


Born 06/24/1791 Abducted by aliens in the spring of 1812 and taken aboard the mother ship where i met their leader Kirk Hellie. After a century and a half of unfathomable psychedelic melodies and origami, we returned to this system. I don't remember much about the early days of this human form, but i know l i f e i s s h o r t. I s t a r t e d skateboarding in 1976 and playing bass in 1991. i still do both. Here is a list of bands i played with: True Expression, Supernaut, One Inch Punch, Tape, Friendship 7, Lifter, Mellowdrone, BOOM BASS, Lonely trees, Plexi. I play Fretless and fretted basses as well as Fender bass vi. Drink lots of water and exercise.



v o i c e/m a k e u p

Thank you Jennifer for not only creating an outstanding chorus of ladies to sing with me, but also for getting our makeup sponsor! Your talent inspires me. You are beautiful inside and out. xxxRain

Los Angeles based composer/ musician working within a wide range of sonic mediums. He has composed/ o r c h e s t r a t e d/p r o d u c e d a n d performed music for TV, Film, Galleries and live performances all over the globe. He has released his own music with b a n d s-P i n k N o i s e Te s t (Interscope Records), Meow Meow (Devil In the Woods), DisKonekT the HI FI (Regeneration Records). Kirk has also enjoyed playing

Orchestra Halls/Opera Houses throughout the USA and Europe as part of seminal NoWave/contemporary composer Glenn Branca's Orchestra. Sign: Gemini. Color: shell pink. Hobbies: Understanding the obvious while overstating t h e s e n s a t i o n a l. L a s t accomplishment: waking before noon. Drink: Boy Howdy.

Y V E T T E HOLZWARTH v i o l i n

s o n g s. S h e i s c u r r e n t l y working on her own project featuring her arrangements combining voice and violin.

L EM J AY p i a n o

Lem Jay Ignacio plays piano and synthesizer. He composes music, and lives in Eagle Rock. Lem Jay has spent his life in Los Angeles, making sounds with its people-sometimes onstage, sometimes in his garage.

m o r e. T h o m a s w o r k s extensively as a Viola/Violin Teacher for the Harmony Project working with both classical and HipHop/Popular Music Youth Orchestras. Mr. Lea has also worked many summers as a Chamber music coach for the Palo Alto Chamber Orchestra. Currently, Mr. Lea’s busy professional career includes session work, arranging, production, and extensive work as a freelance violist.







L I V I N GSTON ae r ial

TOM LE A v io la

Yvette Holzwarthis a violinist and singer originally from the San Francisco Bay Area. Yvette began her musical studies at the age of three, learning violin privately. Originally trained in classical music, Yvette has had the opportunity to play with many wonderful orchestras and chamber groups. Moving to Los Angeles in 2005, she has played in venues such as the Walt Disney Concert Hall, the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, and Redcat. As a member of the multi-ethnic orchestra MESTO, she has traveled all around the world playing Arabic music, most recently to Abu Dhabi and Oman. As a modern musician, she enjoys collaborating with many nonclassical musicians and often can be seen performing violin on stage with local musicians, s i n g e r-s o n g w r i t e r s, a n d composers. She is also an active studio musician as well as a performer, often writing string parts to other people's

Thomas Lea is a California n a t i v e. H e r e c e i v e d h i s Bachelor of Music Degree from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and his Masters in Viola Performance from UCLA. Mr. Lea has been a member and performed with such orchestras as the New World Symphony, Dakah Hiphop Orchestra, and the Oklahoma City Philharmonic. He has also performed with artists such as Yo-Yo Ma, Robert Mann, Donna Summer, Josh Groban, Annie Lennox, Terrence Howard and many

From the age of two Emilie started ballet and dance. When she was six she was training in artistic gymnastics and ballet. Emilie loves to perform and has been performing either Contortion, Aerial Arts or a combination of Rhythmic Gymnastics and Dance for Levis, Fruit of the Loom, Samsung, Sharp Aquos, TNT, Cox Communications, Shiseido M a k e-u p, N e u t r o g e n a, Sketchers, Mercedes Benz and T h e N e w Yo r k T i m e s Magazine. Emilie was featured on the LXD web series, performed with Kanye West at Coachella and performed for Jennifer Lopez at the AMA’s in 2011. Emilie also performed as the introductory act for Google Zeitgeist where Stephen Hawking was the keynote speaker. She is very excited to be apart of Rain Phoenix’ Love project as her music inspires Emilie to marry her passion for movement and spiritual enlightenment!

H E A T H E R MCINTOSH b a s s /cello

Minneapolis. her

After earning




Douglas Academy of Dramatic

RAIN PHOENIX director/producer/ d a n c e r/ voice

Art in London, Elizabeth was kidnapped





clowns and surrendered to the temptations of passion, joy and love that is circus.

Heather McIntosh recently moved to Los Angeles from A t h e n s , G e o r g i a . S h e composed the scorefor Craig Z o b e l's fi l m C o m p l i a n c e which premiered this year at Sundance and will be distributed by Magnolia pictures in the fall. She also composed the original music, performed by her band The I n s t r u m e n t s, f o r t h e documentary Examined Life by Astra Taylor. As house cellist for the Elephant 6 Collective, she has played with of Montreal, The Olivia Tremor Control, The Music Tapes, Gerbils, Elf Power, Circulatory System, Apples in Stereo, Jeff Mangum, Great Lakes, and The Ladybug Transistor. She has extended her talents outside of Athens p e r f o r m i n g with Linda Perhacs, Kevin Ayers of the Soft Machine, Faust, Animal Collective, Cat Power, Superchunk, M Ward, The Clientele, St. Vincent, Azure Ray, Icy Demons, Bright Eyes, Washed Out, Dr. Dog, Norah Jones, John C. Reilly and Friends, Gnarls Barkley, and Lil' Wayne.








including ALoysia

Elizabeth exceptional

movement the

Chelsea Gavre,

artists globe Bacon,


Serrand and Edward Clarke.In addition to her various print, fi l m



p r o j e c t s,

Elizabeth continues to perform live with troupes such as The Citizens Band, Troupe Vertigo, Acroback Asher





training with The Children’s Theater








Livingston Prods. Elizabeth is the Head Instructor of Aerial Arts at Cirque School LA.

LAUREN v o ice


E L I Z A B E T H N E W TO N a e r i a l


Artist, activist, musician, actor and founder of Gift Horse Project.Lyricist and singer for papercranes, collaborator/writer f o r T h e C i t i z e n's B a n d, Chubby Lovers and Textual. Los Angeles lifestyle editor for Origin magazine. Fighter for love. Lover of haters. http:// rainphoenix.net/

LAUREN PARDINI is stoked to be a part of this phenomenal project!!A singer, songwriter, and vocal coach, LP spends her days working on hip hop and electronica tracks for other artists with her awesome writing crew. She’s also about to release an EP with her band, Profiles. F o r d e t a i l s g o t o www.laurenpardini.com.

Samantha Posey hails from Los Angeles, CA. She holds a BFA in Acting from UCSB and has spent the last few years as an actor and songstress in this eternally sunny city. Most recently, Samantha sang with band Mea at the Coachella 2012 Music Festival, and earlier this year could be seen performing in the LA debut o f ...t h i n g s i f o u n d o n craigslist at the Son of Semele Theater in Silverlake and the world premiere of California Dreamin' at the Met Theater in Hollywood. She currently sings with The Silver Lake Chorus, and will be performing next in Joel Rieke's upcoming Apsis Cycle: A Requiem for a Shifting

World, a modern day musical exploration of the four stages o f g r i e f . w w w.a p s i s r e q u i e m.c o m www.samanthaposey.com

KEL voi ce


Kel has such a joyful s p i r i t. A n d an incredible v o i ce ! xxx Rain

PAT R I C E Q U I N N storyteller

PITMAN a c t o r/

Patrice Quinn is an actress and singer. The joy of her life is to work and play with fine artists, and to teach. She played the title role in N t o z a k e S h a n g e’s autobiographical jazz operetta, “Betsey Brown” at The Public Theatre; Mrs. Meuller in J o h n P a t r i c k S h a n l e y’s “D o u b t” a t P a s a d e n a Playhouse; Lady Macbeth (with Harry Lennix) at The Lillian; and Sylvia in (Stage M a n a g e r) N i c k G i l l i e’s beautiful, award winning film, “Never Get Outta The Boat”. She is a member of “The We s t C o a s t G e t D o w n (W C G D)”, f e a t u r i n g L o s Angeles’ Young Lions of Jazz

and has recorded and sung with several of its members o n t h e i r s o l o p r o j e c t s, including genius pianist and keyboardist Brandon Coleman; trombonist/composer Ryan Porter -- as the featured voice in his upcoming children’s t e l e v i s i o n m u s i c p r o j e c t; g r o u n d b r e a k i n g b a s s i s t/ songwriter recording artist Miles Mosely; and the great tenor saxophonist Kamasi Washington, with whom she regularly sings and with whom she has collaborated lyrically. She is a member of “Dialogue” with Nick Mancini (v i b e s), John Daversa (trumpet) and Alex Frank (bass); and is a featured vocalist in The Kevin O’Neal Project, singing his original compositions and those of the great Duke Ellington and Thelonius Monk. Patrice is honored to be invited to work/ play with Rain and Mecca and this troupe of fine artists and wishes to extend to all: Peace and Love.

JAMEY tru mp e t


Jamey Schrick is a musician, teacher, writer and actor. The native Iowan trained as an opera singer in his youth before coming to his senses. Jamey earned a BFA in Musical Theater and performed

around the country before again coming to his senses and moving to LA in 2003, where he senselessly pursues n o d i s c e r n i b l e c a r e e r. Meanwhile, Jamey teaches guitar, trumpet, voice and theory at Coast Music Conservatory, is tenor section leader for the Choir at St. Matthew's Episcopal Pacific Palisades, sings with the vocal jazz quintet Storeytime, and is lead singer and trumpeter for the Mortified After School Orchestra, all while secretly wanting to just be an action hero.


Sasha Smith is a keyboardist and songwriter who has worked on Emmy winning and Grammy nominated projects. As a keyboardist h e's p l a y e d w i t h L u c y Woodward, Everclear, Jesca Hoop, Devendra Banhart, and Ariel Pink. Sasha'skeyboard playing can be heard on C l a u d i a B r a n t's album, Manuscrito nominated for two Grammys in 2012. He wrote "Fly My Way" which was a #1 radio hit in China peaking at #1 for over 4 weeks. He composed the music for the History C h a n n e l's, N o s t r a d a m u s Effect: 2012 Extinction, as well as a handful of indie films including Surgeons of Hope, which won an Emmy in 2010.




Geren Lockhart embraced a childhood split between New York’s infamous Soho district and Northern California’s Bay Area. Growing up amidst the spirited, bohemian art scene of the 1970’s and 80’s. The first two decades of Lockhart’s professional career were spent as an advertising production executive and stylist working for world-class firms such as Chiat/Day and Partizan. She quickly found herself flung to the remotest corners of the world, expected to not only thrive, but also deliver for clients including American Express, Apple, Coca-Cola, Nike, Levi’s, and Vanity Fair. She studied at Parsons School o f D e s i g n. S y n t h e s i z i n g inspiration found on her travels and culled from the diverse worlds of art, film, music, and architecture into a lifestyle brand. Sought out for her keen eye, business savvy, and unwavering engagement, Lockhart has become a distinct voice in the fashion, luxury, business, communication, and media landscapes. As an expert, she has been tapped to speak on numerous panels for companies and institutes of higher education such as Harvard Business School. In

addition to being the subject of dozens of features in glossy national and international publications and websites, her lifestyle and travel writing has appeared on Fashionista, Hotel Chatter, and Fathom. In the Fall of 2011, Lockhart opened The Annex, a lifestyle concept outpost situated inside the Geren Ford Los Angeles h e a d q u a r t e r s. W h e n n o t traversing the globe in search of experiences and greater understanding of the people, places, and works of art that have inspired the culturally rich life she lives, Lockhart can be found in Nichols Canyon with her dog Quinn and a lot of clothes and shoes.


are in fact ALIVE". Michael, who lives in Los Angeles with his wife and three daughters, also spends much of his spare time below water, documenting wildlife in a way that has never been done before. Michael brings the studio to these animals in their natural environment and lights them in a visceral way that pushes the viewer to question what they are looking at.






My best friend since I was twelve. She taught me how to smoke cigarettes. She has an amazing eye and is one of my favourite photographers. She’s one of the kindest people I know, I love her very much. xxxRain




"I try to capture the energy of a person who is being true to themselves. This I believe is the essence of a photograph,” says Michael. His unique; signature style speaks for itself. His passion for the art and commerce of photography can easily be felt by simply looking at his pictures. "When people view my work, I simply want to evoke emotion, and let the viewer feel they

Born 1976 Jackson County Oregon USA died 2087 in a Tijuana knife fight over the honor of his daughter.

BEHIND THE SCENES GEORGE AUGUSTO host / associate p r o d u c e r

photographer working in both Los Angeles and New York City. She studied at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan, and makes large s c a l e c o l o r p h o t o g r a p h s, showing diaristic scenes from travel and day-to-day life. Her work straddles commercial and conceptual worlds, as she rarely distinguishes between the two.

PA U L B E A H A N l a b e l / d j Instead of a bio I thought it would be more fun to talk a bit about Rain. When she came to me with this amazing idea to do a multimedia interpretation of her 3 ep’s at Dilettante, I said yes before s h e fi n i s h e d o r e v e n understood what she was talking about. That’s her power, the ability to make you want to be involved because she’s involved…..you just trust. This past month has been filled almost daily with rehearsals of aerialists, dancers, musicians and the like. To have that energy at our studio while the rest of Dilettante operates has been magical….we’ll be forever grateful. In a time where the word “artist” gets co-opted way more frequently than it should, she reminds me of what it truly means: being creatively relentless for your own voice, while making everyone want to join the party. I love you Rain.

CLARA BALZARY still photographer





Paul Beahan founded Manimal Vinyl Records in l a t e 2006 o u t o f p u r e boredom with what was currently happening in the record business. With a background as a fashion editor he sought artists that had a particular eye for all things unconventional. Having released records from Warpaint, Bat for Lashes, Sister Crayon, Hecuba, Jenny O. and of course Rain P h o e n i x's p a p e r c r a n e s, Manimal continues to pursue all things musical from an a v a n t-g a r d e/p o p s o r t o f n a t u r e . N e w a r t i s t collaborations include Chains of Love, Heliotropes, The Child, Useless Eaters, Baron Von Luxxury and the new papercranes album Three.


Summer Phoenix and Ruby Canner have been friends for more than 20 years (yep they're old). They have been partners in business for 10 years and cohorts in imagery display since elementary school, when they tie dyed their brothers' boxers and wore them over tights for the entirety of the early 90's in Florida.They agree on almost everything. They respect each others differences and communicate their appreciation of one another's strengths. Their working relationship is an ebb and flow, a give and take of responsibility and c r e a t i v e o u t p u t. T h e y established their flagship store Some Odd Rubies in 2003 and have remained consistent active participators of the LES's trend setting fame ever since. Their fashion sense grows, changes, and evolves with the seasons of life,love and their own education through daily experiences of working with p e o p l e, f a b r i c s, t e x t u r e s, textiles, and art. They are influenced by everything from music to silence, emptiness to color, love to the absence of feeling, but most of all by each other. Their unique process translates to the special pieces they construct and their freedom with aesthetic encourages and compliments beauty in individuality. Above all they hope that their love of their work translates to the women who wear it.

ERICA DAKING graphic design and m o r a l s u p p o r t

Erica Daking is a force. She's magnetic. She pulls cool towards her. I am honored to be in her orbit. When she decides to do something. She does it. I admire that. I also like that she laughs at my jokes. She's like the coolest girl I've met in LA! - said in loud beavis voice. xxx Rain

M E G H A N E D WA R D S in h o u s e coordinator

Effervescent xxx Rain


RUPERT w r i

FRIEND t e r

MAURICE HARRIS h e a d p i e c e s

Rupert wrote and directed 'Steve', starring Colin Firth, for which he received the Crystal Vision Award at the Rhode Island Film Festival. He also co-wrote 'The Continuing and Lamentable Saga of the Suicide Brothers', which won Best Comedy at the New Hampshire Film Festival. He wrote lyrics for Kairos 4tet on their MOBO award-winning album 'Statement of Intent' and recently had a story, illustrated by Ed Atkins, published in the launch issue of Maker magazine.

R i d i c u l o u s l y m o d e s t, insanely talented. xxx R ai n

N I C K s t a g e

June Zandona is a fi l m m a k e r , p h o t o g r a p h e r , and semi-professional n o m ad . J u n e g r ew u p in the P a c i fi c N o r t h w e s t w h e r e s h e d ev el o p ed h er love of music and espresso , g o t h er B FA in cinematography in San F r a n c i s c o, and n o w lives and works in Los A n g e l e s. Whether fi l m i n g bands and emerging artists in LA, o r acl es in N o r t h e r n I n d i a, o r organic farmers and mandolin luthiers in Appalachia; telling a story, through simple, unaffected photographic m e a n s, r e m a i n s a constant s o u r c e o f joy. N o w apart o f The M a s s e s Lab, J u n e is constantly o n the lookout f o r the k i n d o f w o r k that makes i t a l l w o r t h i t; collaborative, creative, u n af r ai d , s o c i a l l y aware .

G I L L I E m a n a g e r


M I C H A E L F R I E D M A N technical advisor

Nick Gillie was born on C h r i s t m a s a n d t h a t's a challenge to live up to, but say too -- it's not gonna be easy for Christmas either.

DENIELLE GUERA production assistant F r i e d m a n! Thank you for joining the troupe and always being a team p l a ye r. When people yell ‘F r e e b i r d’ at concerts I a l w a y s h e a r ‘F R I E D M A N’!!! :) xxx Rain

Best smile ever! xxx Rain

N AT H A N I A L H U N T v i d e o g r a p h e r

JOSEPH l i g h

JENSEN t i n g

A p l ea sure to w o r k w i t h. x x x R ain

S H A N E S M I T H s o u n d

years in fashion, Sweet P again switched artistic endeavors, and is now a makeup artist. This allows her the freedom she needs and the one on one intimacy with people she enjoys. Sweet P is an Aquarian. Sweet P is married to Artist Sage Vaughn. They live in a dreamy little house with three cats.

germany, england and france, currently living in New york. He has created visuals on a variety of media platforms from advertising campaigns, artist branding, books, music videos, documentaries and film.




MICHAEL S H I F F L E T v i d e o g r a p h e r



microphones Shane Smith is a Grammy nominated Producer/Engineer/ Audio Pilot and co-owner of eStudio Intl. in East Los Angeles.

SWEET P m a k

VA U G H N e u p

enjoys around,

moving and


often found doing so.

Mihail Mihailoveich Romanoff


b.1984 Chișinău, USSR during

p ro m o t i o n s

Autumn Marathon.



to be alive somewhere in the world, probably inprison.



fi l m

Sweet P was born and raised in Los Angeles California. She went from surfer girl to punker then morphed into biker chic, often seen riding in vintage dresses and heels. As the door girl to infamous haunts such as Cluck f*ck and Sin-a-matic, she then parlayed into clothing design. Sweet P tried her luck on Project Runway Season 4, (she has a competitive nature) and is on Project Runway All Stars this year. After 20

Antoine wagner is a Director/ Photographer raised in

REZA FAHIM was born in Hamburg, West Germany and raised in Virginia Beach. He is one of the promoters of this event. He studied philosophy and filmmaking at UC Santa Barbara and UCLA. After college he toured the country for a year, starring in a Persian theatre production, and t h e n w o r k e d i n fi l m development. Currently he's partnering with Houston Hospitality to open a new bar in Hollywood, and juggling his time between writing and photography.

Acknowledgements: I would like to thank the following artists for donating their scarce time and abundant talent to this show. Kirk Hellie for the Sound and Vision installation, Michael Muller andSage Vaughnfor their fine art collaboration, Nicole Selmo and Geren Lockhart for their photography collaboration, Paul Manimal for DJing, Rupert Friend for his poetry and Summer Phoenix for her design savvy. I would also like to thank George Augusto for believing in this project, Mecca Andrews for co-directing it with me, Michael Tubbs for his encouragement, support, advice and quality control, Robb Buono who is the best crane I've ever had, and especially to my brother, Joaquin, for his unwavering support and melodic generosity. Big ups to our sponsors: Dilettante, Some Odd Rubies, Pizzanista and Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics.

Heartfelt appreciation to all the people who donated to this show. ANGEL INVESTORS: Michael Tubbs, George Augusto, Aileen Getty, Balthazar Getty, Joaquin Phoenix, Heart Phoenix and Spike Jonze. KICKSTARTER INVESTORS: Emmanuel Roman Junk Food Aunties Jeffrey Weisberg Libby Lord Carmela Rappazzo Amy Wyatt Troll Edith Hagigi Erin McDonald Stacey Levine Angela McCluskey Alix Petit Karine Bensekkouma Evita Castine Rhoda Meyers Yahaira Susan Patricola Kerry Langan Montse Hanne Mina Bourque Price Latimer Agah Eliot Hazel Mark Houston Christopher Waugh West Huddleston Kim Roberts Mary Helen Bowers Katherine May Williams Deb Frank M. Friedman

Slawjellybean Sam Stephen Nadelberg Ane Diaz David Nadelberg Christopher Carla Fletcher Onna Maya Meyer Lauren White A.J. Mason Marjorine Vannutz Lilia Kerren McKeeman Lisa F. Jones Summer Harlow Christopher Lerch Donna Newton Helen James-Storey Martha Marin Dave Way Jamie Catto Dave Lebleu Ken Becker Josie Michael Shifflett Barbara Sicuranza Mickey S Kimberly Yung Sarah Bush Amy Flurry Marisa Gomez

Michelle Krick Thomas E Newton Caroline Petit Anna Gabriel Acacia Mimi Patenaude Michael Price Glenn Gorlitsky Leigh Dunham Sara Cline Oont Dog Ceri Noel Busby Cristiana Ladki Victoria Faust Jay Schleusener Palmyra Delran Niels Brooke Gigi Stoll Victoria Buksa LA-underground David Lyons Steve Neely Christina Benson Noah Ben Kessler Scott Stuckey Jeffrey

ARTISTS HELPING ARTISTS Founded in 2010, Gift Horse Project's original purpose was to bring different artists together to collaborate on one of a kind concert experiences to benefit artist driven charities. The first show was held in Los Angeles, CA following the devastating earthquake in Haiti, with 100% of the proceeds going to BRAND AID Haiti. After the overwhelming response GHP quickly began to take shape and grow.By the end of 2010 GHP had performed concerts all over the world from Marfa, Texas to Paris, France. Each show featured a different group of artists and benefited a new charity. Gift Horse Project is drawn to and inspired by the concept of collaboration over competition, and well known artists helping emerging artists. In addition to bringing awareness to charities, GHP also aims to unify the artistic community. 2012 will see Gift Horse Project launch into a multi-platform artist collective while furthering our commitment to 'Artists Helping Artists'. On behalf of our local artist community, Gift Horse Project has made a donation to the Silverlake Conservatory of Music. We also ask each contributing artist to donate a few hours of their time to The Art of Elysium - dedicated to enriching the lives of artists and critically ill children.

[PDF] Gift Horse Project Presents: - Free Download PDF (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.