of of of of of a THE CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1926. PAGE ELEVEN Club de Nuit' Holds Formal Opening Tuesday Night Outstanding among the social affairs of Tuesday evening was the supper-dance given by Conklin, host. par-excellence and far-famed for his originality in entertaining, at his home on Peachtree street.
Novel invitations, attractively etched in black and white, bid one hundred members of Atlanta's debutante contingent to the formal opening of "Conklin's Club de Nuit." The lower floor of the handsome Conklin home was transformed into the interior of a Broadway supper club. Tables seating small groups of decorations of red guests and were pink rosebuds. attractively arranged, each holding a central Cabaret Features. While supper was being served, a program of feature dances and other cabaret stunts was rendered by a corps of talented dancers. Mr.
Conklin was assisted in receiving the guests by his mother, Mrs. Charles Conklin, and his aunt, Mrs. Edgar B. Latham, of Washington, D. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Inman Honor Visitors. Mrs. Arthur Crew Inman and Miss Elinor Whittemore, of Boston, arrived Tuesday morning to be the guests for ten days of Mir.
and Mrs. Henry A. Inman, at their home in the Ponce de Leon apartments. Mr. and Mrs.
Inman entertained a few friends informally at dinner Tuesday evening in compliment to their guests. Covers were placed for Mrs. Arthur Crew Inman, Miss Whittemore, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hodgson, Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Lee Crew, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Inman. Mrs.
Frank Inman will honor these attractive visitors at luncheon Wednesday at her home on Peachtree road. First Presbyterian Church Bible Class. The Woman's Auxiliary of the First Presbyterian church is planning a series of four classes in Bible study begin Friday, January 8, at 3 o'clock at the church. Mrs. S.
H. Askew will be the leader course followed will be 011 "Stewardship." Those who know Mrs. Askew will realize this will be a wonderful opportunity. A further treat is in store for the auxiliary on Monday, January 18, wig the officers of the organization have been enabled to procure Dr. lar benonthly" meeting.
Dr. Smith is Smith to address the reguthe executive secretary of the board of foreign missions and it is a most unusual occasion when he is able to address a local auxiliary. Women Voters "Open House" Today. An event of social interest to all members of the Atlanta League of Women the open house at headquarters, Candler annex, on Veterans Wednesday, January On this day the election of the league officers takes from 8 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon, and from until of the polls an open house will mainitlonce tained during which time light refreshments will served. Mrs.
Ben Simeox and Mrs. Stephen Guilfoyle are co-chairmen in charge of the reception. Assisting them are Mrs. Paul C. La Blant and Mrs.
Charles Coburn. The honor guests of the occasion will be Mrs. Dan C. Lyle, president the Georgia League of Women Voters, and Mrs. R.
L. Turman, president of the Atlanta league. receiving line will be all of the ward leaders of 1925 and those to be leaders during 1926. They are as follows: Mrs. Virginia Henderson, Mrs.
L. G. Wentworth, Mrs. J. B.
Morgan, Mrs. E. C. Kent, Mrs. L.
L. McDaniel, Mrs. B. V. Bottom, Mrs.
Albert Howell, Miss Leila Culberson, Mrs. Luther Still. Mrs. B. M.
Smith. Mrs. L. D. T.
Quinby, Mrs. Alfred Bailey, Mrs. E. J. Marchman, Miss Katherine Kock, Mrs.
N. V. Perry, Mrs. Wilbur Hunnieutt. From 11 to 12 a demonstration will be given of proportional representation and all those interested in this model system of counting are urged to be preseat whether they are memhers of the league or not.
Mr. and Mrs. Hirsch Honor Son at Dinner. Mr. and J.
M. Hirsch entertained at a lovely dinner New Year's ere at their home in Druid Hills in honor of their son, Louis Hirsch, and his guests, Frank Lathan, of Parkersburg. W. and Joseph Bear, of Akron, Ohio. Covers were placed for ten guests including Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Hirsch, Louis and Harold Hirsch. Prank Lathan, Joseph Bear, Carol Myers Williamsport, and Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Hirsch. Mrs. Orre King Honors Daughter at Party. Mrs.
Orre King entertained at lovely children's party from 3 to o'clock Monday afternoon in compliment to her young daughter, Miss Eugenia King. The party was given at Mrs. King's home, 89 Mathewson place. The decorations featured a color scheme of pink and white, roses and chrysanthemums being used in profusion. A number of children's games were the form of amusement during the afternoon.
Twenty-four young guests were invited to meet the honor guest. Miss Alterman Bride-Elect Honored. Miss Tillie Alterman, whose marriage will be a lovely event of February 7, is being honored at a number of prenuptial affairs. at delightful shower and tea yesMiss. Esther Borochoff entertained terday.
Miss Ruth Mendelson won GERTRUDE McDARIS COMBS announces her succession to Miss A. V. McDaris at Harper Method Scalp Treatment Shoppe at 623-4 Forsyth building. All patrons are guaranteed courteous and efficient treatment. Telephone IVy 9071.
first prize on "Advice to the About 30 guests were present. Miss Anna Lesnoff entertained at a luncheon at the Henry Alterman Grady hotel in honor of Miss and Miss Fay Gromitzer, who is visiting her er entertained home. at batecathe parents "Others entertaining for Miss Alterman are Miss Freeman, Miss Mrs. M. Newman.
Betty Robinson, Mist. Anna Lesnoff, Other affairs are being planned and will be announced later. Y. W. H.
A. Meeting On January 10. The first, monthly meeting for the new the Y. W. H.
A. will be held Sunday, January 10, at the clubhouse Washington street, at 3 o'clock. A most interesting program has been arranged. Mrs. J.
Buchman, who very recently returned from a European tour, will on her travels, En and plans have beetle made for a musical program. Refreshments will be served. It is requested a that all mnembers attend. Woman's Auxiliary Ga. Baptist to Meet.
an's Than auxiliary of the Georgia Baptist regular meeting of the Womhospital will be held next Friday morning, January 8, at 10:30 o'clock at the hospital. Everyone interested in the work is invited to attend. W. U. B.
C. to Meet Thursday at Wesley. 'The Woman's Union Bible club meets regularly on Thursdays at 10 o'clock at Wesley Memorial church. The class is taught by Mrs. T.
R. Kendall, who is a most able and interesting Bible scholar. The twelfth chapter of First Corinthians will begin this week's study, This club is undenominational and all women and girls are cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs.
Harris Entertain Club. One of the loveliest affairs of New Year's eve was the party Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Harris gave in honor of the members and their husbands of Mrs. Harris' Rook club.
Mrs. Harris received her guests wearing a lovely dress of black chiffon, combined with black lace. She wore a corsage of red rosebuds. Mrs. Paul McDowell assisted her mother in entertaining.
She was dressed in a lovely frock of blue georgette and silver lace. with a silver rose as her shoulder bouquet. Mrs. Belyeu Is Club Hostess. Mrs.
F. L. Beyleu entertained members of her club at a bridge-tea day. January 1, at Rich's tea room. Prizes were won by Mrs.
D. T. Beasley, Mrs. Conway Hunter and Mrs. M.
K. Jenkins. Those present were: Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. D.
T. Beasley. Mrs. Buck, Mrs. Conway Hunter.
Mrs. M. K. Jenkins, Miss Ruth Jenkins, Mrs. Oby Brewer.
Mrs. W. M. MeIntosh. Mrs.
T. Si. McLain. Mrs. C.
Mrs. W. D. Schick and Mrs. Webster.
Grant Park O. E. S. To Install Officers. Grant Park chapter, No.
178. 0. E. will have its annual installation of officers Thursday evening in Grant Park lodge room on Cherokee avenue. Mrs.
Rose, Mae Ashby, worthy grand marshal, will be the installing officer, assisted by Mrs. Sallie MeElroy, acting grand marshal, and Mrs. Mary Sisson, grand chaplain, and Mrs. Willie Cook. grand organist.
This will be an interesting and beautiful ceremony and all members of the order are invited to be present. West End Woman's Club Activities. The regular monthly meeting of the executive board of the West End Woman's club will be held Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the clubhouse. Mrs. George W.
Grant, vice president, will preside. Important matters of interest to the club will be discussed at this time. The club tea room at 2181-2 Lee street will be operated this week by the literary committee. Mrs. Alice Embree Means, chairman.
A regular dinner and luncheon will be served from 11:30 to 2 o'clock each day except Sunday. Mrs. Means has planned attractive menus for the week. She invites the entire executive board to luncheon Wednesday at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs.
H. H. Turner, will entertain the Bluebirds home on Allegheny avenue Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Little Miss Virginia Luce. I president of the "Halohe" group, will preside over the business session.
Other officers of this group are: Jane Turner. first vice president; Mary Clare White, second vice president: Frances Pittman, secretary; Dorothy Withers, treasurer, and Sarah Turner, representative to the Camp Fire headquarters. Miss Sarah Frances Spier is guardian of the Bluebirds of the club. WOMEN Dont be discouraged Send For Free Ten Days' Treatment of Mrs. Summers' Opaline Remedy If you are a sufferer from female troubles, there is no need to be discouraged, Read What Users Say or to give up, hope, or to think relief is I want to tell you about the wonderful good yocr impossible.
No matter how many things treatment did me. 1 suffered for three years you have tried, if you have never used but was run Opaline Suppositories not and Antiseptic weak, down and could do my work. Mrs. Summers' Opaline Remedy, you Powder your cured me. I have not had to use any of have not been fair to yourself and your the last treatment I got from you.
I am sure your family. Just like hundreds of other wom- remedies MISS will R. heal others as they have me. en- -sufferers once, but happy now-you B. BUCHANAN, Sandersville, Miss.
can be relieved of the misery known only I know that your medicine is good because I know to womankind. what it has done for me. I feel that I can't do Send No Money without your for W. O. K.
of Tablets Laze for than they do me Mrs. Summers' more medicine good I have ever Change tried. They have also any helped other A ten days' treatment of popular Opaline Remedy is waiting for you. my daughter. Every month she had to go to bed Send now and test it at home.
Try it your- and was in such pain, it looked if K. she could self and see what blessed relief it brings. not and live. now I she began giving along her fine your during W.0. her Tablets Write at once- -and write in confidence, I can't praise your medicine enough and menses.
would telling us your troubles, for your letter is advise every woman suffering with a discharge opened and answered by a woman. We to ase your Opaline Suppositories for they will know that only a woman can heal her. I have used the Suppositories and know understand the sufferings what I am talking about. of women. MRS.
ELLA FREDERICK, Wellston, Ga. SEND THIS COUPON TODAY. SUMMERS MEDICAL 214 SOUTH BEND, IND. Please send direct to me, without obligation, plainly wrapped and postpaid, the FREE Ten-Day Trial Treatment of Opaline Remedy; a also a sample of Anti septic Powder. name is Address City (Miss Campbell To He Honored By Mrs.
Prince Webster Miss Virginia Campbell, lovely debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bulow Campbell, will be honor guest at the luncheon at which Mrs. J.
Prince Webster will entertain on Wednesday at her home on Wesley road. Covers will be laid for Miss Campbell. Mrs. Webster, Miss Frances Arnold. Miss Jennie Robinson, Miss Louise Nelson, Miss Isabel Johnston, of Macon and Atlanta, Miss Martha Boynton, Mrs.
Eugene McNeel, of Marietta, and Mrs. William A. Parker. Jr. Miss Campbell is one of the most popular young girls in Atlanta ciety, and is being feted at a series of social affairs during her debutante year.
Astrology Classes To Be Resumed. The astrology classes, conducted by Mrs. Marie Louise Hancock, at 201, 325 Peachtree street, on Wednesday afternoons at 4 o'clock and later at 7 o'clock will be resumed at these hours Wednesday, January 6. All are interested are cordially invited to join these classes. There is no charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones Entertain Friends. Mr. and Mrs.
Pierce Jones entertained a number of their friends recently bridge supper at their lovely home, on Cascade road. Miss Ruby Jones and Miss Hattie Mae Sims assisted in entertaining. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Fred E.
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Byrd, Mr. and Mrs.
Earnest Cash. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Park, Mr. and Mrs.
Carter C. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook, Miss Banks Russell, Miss Sweetie Russell, Miss Coursey, Grady Cochran. Lucius Kale, MayCochran, Joe Simmons and Mr.
Mr. Pierce Jones. Alliance Francais Program Announced. The regular weekly meeting of Francaise will be held Thursday at 3:30 o'clock in the pine room of Hotel Ansley. Mademoiselle Banduin, a native Parisienne who has been spending some time in Canada, and recently came to Atlanta.
speak about Canada and Quebec. Madame Hal Davison will talk on the Russian, many singers of which country were guests of Mrs. Davison during the holidays. Mrs. Enrico Leide will read a short French story.
Mrs. M. Underwood and Mrs. John Slaton will read letters received from President Charles Loridans with greetings for L'Alliance. Mr.
and Mrs. Loridans will arrive in the city about January 17, after a trip of over four months to the Orient and Europe. Golden Wedding In Conyers, Ga. An event of beauty and interest was the golden wedding of Rev. and Mrs.
J. J. Stephenson, which was solemnized Saturday afternoon, January 2, at their country home near Conyers. Rev. and Mrs.
Stephenson, rendered pressive ceremony in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives. Preceding the ceremony Miss Laverne Stephenson, granddaughter of Rev. and Mrs. Stephenson rendered apappropriate music. The bridesmaid was Mrs.
W. R. Watson, sister of the bride. She was gowned a beautiful beaded satin crepe and carried a bouquet of white roses. Mrs.
Sallie Robinson, sister of the groom, who was bridesmaid 50 vears ago, was maid of honor. She was gowned in satin crepe trimmed in lace and wore an orchid scarf. She carried a bouquet of white roses. The flower girls were the little granddaughters. Nora Owens, Sadie Joe, Sara and Helen Stephenson.
They were dainty in organdy dresses trimmed in pink rosebuds and carried baskets of roses. Two little grandsons, Master Charles Moon and Norman Owens, were the ring-bearers, carrying the ring in a white lily. The bride entered with her son, G. W. Stephenson, to the strains of the wedding march, and was met at the altar by the groom and his best man, M.
R. Stephenson. The bride was gowned in black crepe trimmed in lace and carried a bouquet of bride roses. Mrs. Stephenson before her marriage 50 years ago was Miss Elizabeth Rebecca Guinn, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Guinn, a very prominent family of Rockdale county. Rev.
J. J. Stephenson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Randall Stephenson, who also lived to celebrate their fiftieth anniversary, a very prominent family of DeKalb county, Rev.
Stephenson being a well-known Baptist minister. Bolton Chapter, O. E. Installs Officers. The officers of Bolton Chapter No.
143, 0. E. were installed Tuesday evening, December 29. Mrs. Julia Turner, worthy matron, was the installing officer, errand assisted by Mrs.
Ruth Logan, grand marshal. and Mrs. Fannie Mae Webb. grand chaplain. The following officers were installed into their respective stations: Mrs.
Geraldine Ray, worthy matron; C. H. Mitchell, worthy patron; Mrs. Allene Williams, associate matron: Mrs. Jessie Chambers, secretary; Mrs.
Eva Mauldin, treasurer; Mrs. Lillian Ivie, conductress: Mrs. Vera Webb. associate conductress: Mrs. Willie Grimes, Adah: Mrs.
Nell Simmons, Ruth; Mrs. Mabel Brohaugh, Esther; Mrs. Artie Davis. Martha: Mrs. Avis Brown, Electa: Mrs.
Belle Gramling, lain: Mrs. Robbie Moore, organist; Miss Edna Rolader. marshal, Mrs. Cleo Camp, warder; D. L.
D. McDonald, sentinel. Immediately after the installation ceremony 18 of the chapter members, including the newly-installed officers, presented Mrs. Ray, the new matron, with a bouquet of emblematic flowers. Mrs.
Ruth Logan, the retiring matron, was presented with a past matron's jewel. also a gift from the officers who served with her during 1925. She, in turn, presented the retiring officers with gift. R. Sharp.
the retiring patron, was givep a jewel by J. F. Lord on behalf of the chapter. He also expressed the regret and good wishes of the chapter to Mr. Sharp, who is moving to another city.
Mrs. Julia Turner was presented with a gift from the chapter in appreciation of her services. During the evening appropriate music was rendered by Miss Eleanor McDonald. Miss Hortense Hughs and Mrs. J.
H. Allison. A social hour followed. Dance at West End Woman's Club. The regular dance of the.
West Woman's club will take place Thursday evening at the club assembly hall from 9 to 12 o'clock. Chaperons for this week will be Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wells Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
M. G. Pardones and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde DAILY CALENDAR OF SOCIAL EVENTS Mrs.
J. Prince Webster will entertain at luncheon at her home on Wesley road in compliment to Miss Virginia Campbell, debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bulow Campbell.
Dinner-dance at the Atlanta Biltmore hotel. Mrs. Philip Green will entertain the Officers' club at Fort McPherson who is visiting her sister and brother, The program to be given by the 11 1 o'clock in the auditorium of the beauty and brilliancy. Mrs. G.
S. Clarke, will entertain her daughter, Mrs. V. Hendon, o'clock. this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at in honor of Mrs.
F. R. Mathews, Captain and Mrs. Green. Atlanta Music club this morning at Woman's club will be of exceptional the Indiana club at the home of 100 Flagler street, Ansley Park, at Mrs.
Charles LeCraw will entertain at a bridge at her home Piedmont road in compliment to Miss Catherine McCullough. Mrs. Lucius L. McConnell will entertain buffet luncheon in honor of Mrs. Samuel Z.
Shope at the Atlanta Woman's club. Mrs. R. M. Cohen will give a theater party at the Howard theater for her nephews, Howard and Melvin Smith, of Pittsburg, Pa.
Mrs. Frank Inman will entertain at a luncheon at her home on Peachtree road in honor of Mrs. Arthur C. Inman and Miss Elinor Whittemore, following the morning musical. The officials and directors of the Atlanta Trust company, will give a dinner at the Piedmont Driving club this evening of John Minor Botts Hoxsey, who has served for many years as the first vice president and treasurer of the Southern Bell Telephone company, and who, with Mrs.
Hoxsey, will leave soon for New York, where he will make his home. A luncheon will be given at the West End Woman's club honoring the president, Mrs. Chester Johnson. The Pi Pi sorority of the Washington seminary will have a meeting at the home of Miss Pat Rogers on East Fourteenth street at 3 o'clock this afternoon to make the final plans for their dance, which is to take place Friday evening, January 15. SOCIAL' SOCIAL' ITEMS Mr.
and Mrs. Doughty Miss Valeria Manley Miss Doughty Manley Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
McCullough, left for Miami where they will spend sometime at the Royal Palm. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blackburn have returned from Winter Haven, Florida. R.
T. Burnley and family have returned from a visit to Florida. Mrs. Wiley B. Roberts is ill with pneumonia at her home, 260 Grant street.
Miss Wilford Leard has returned to Hartwell, having spent the holidays with her brother and sister, Captain and Mrs. E. W. Leard. Mrs.
Edgar T. Conley and Miss Mary Conley returned Monday from Canada and New York, where they spent several months. Major T. G. Hearn returned Monday from Tuskegee, Ala.
Miss Kitty Hagood returned Monday to Gainesville, after spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, General and Mrs. Johnson Hagood. Miss Frances Mathews returned to Macon, after spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Colonel and Mrs. L. 0.
Mathews. W. M. Scott, of Grant street, who has been confined to his home for the past month on 'account of an accident, is recuperating. Miss Margaret McDaniel, of Cartersville, has returned home.
Mr. Leader, of Vidalia, is in the city. Miss Odessa Ellison, of Fairburn, is in the city. Woodrow W. Smith.
of Blue Ridge, has returned home. Louis R. Hirsch and his guests, Frank Lathan and Joseph Bear, have returned to school at the University of Pennsylvania, where they will resume their studies. Misses Constance and Frances Spalding left Tuesday for RandolphMacon college, after spending the holi- days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John S. Spalding. Mr. and Mrs. Lansing Shield and little daughter, Evelyn Byrd Shield, have returned to their home in Brooklyn, N.
after a brief visit to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Byrd. Dr.
and Mrs. J. Percy Lambright and William Lambright returned Monday from a two weeks' trip in Florida, where they visited their sister, Mrs. Page H. Jones, at Lake Wales.
Mrs. J. A. Hamling, of Winneka, is a guest at the Atlanta Biltmore en route to Florida. Recent arrivals at the Atlanta Biltmore include George D.
Greey, of New York; Lamar Aldridge, of mingham. J. C. Givin, of Buffalo, N. James Lodge and W.
E. Richards, of Detroit, and others. Mr. and Mrs. N.
Neroman, of Brooklyn, N. are guests at the Atlanta Biltmore hotel. Mrs. E. L.
Tanner and daughter. Jane Carol, of Douglas, Sarasota, spent last week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. street." O'Steen, on East Thirteenth Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. Coder left Monday for a stay of some time at various points in Florida. Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Duncan are spending some time. in Orlando. Miss Ethel Drake, of Benton, was a recent visitor in the city.
Walter Merkle has returned from 3 visit with relatives in Selma, Ala. Mrs. Raymond C. Hamilton. of Camp Meade, will arrive Thursday to be the guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. B. S. Barker at their home on Columbia avenue. R.
G. Pfenning is in Miami for A few weeks. Miss 1 Louise returned day to Martha Washington school, at Adingdon, Va. Miss Lillian Traynham is spending some time in Florida. Miss Frances Underwood has rehome in Marion, turned, with Atlanta friends.
Archie Reeves has Tech after resumed spend- studies at Georgia Ending the Holiday season with his mother in Selma, Ala. Mrs. E. A. Hartsock and Ernest Hartsock have returned from Homestead and Miami, where they were delightfully entertained as guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Julian Wooster dur- Miss Ashcraft To Compliment Popular Visitor Miss Rebecca Ashcraft will entertain Friday at luncheon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ashcraft in Druid Hills, the occasion to compliment Miss Barbara Bonn, of California, the guest of Mrs. Julian Field and Mrs.
A. D. Adiar. Invited to meet Miss Bonn are Misses Margaret Elder, Harriet Shedden, Louise Nelson, Katherine Raine, Phoebe ancestor New York; Mary Ballenger, Boynton, Jennie Hodgson, Ellen Newell and Susan Talbot, of New York. Miss Ann Stringfellow will compliment Miss Bonn at the regular teadance, Saturday.
at the Atlanta Biltinore on Mrs. A. D. Adair will entertain in honor of Miss Bonn at the dinnerdance at the Piedmont Driving club on Saturday evening. Fourteen guests have been invited to meet Miss Bonn.
Many other delightful affairs have been planned in her honor, the dates to be announced later. "Daddies' Day" To Feature Matinee. Help for fathers in the bringing up of their children is promised by the Atlanta better films committee Saturday of this week when at the special morning matinee at the Howard theater will be shown that beautiful story by Booth Tarkington, the screen and depicting the tragedy "Son in O' Mine," written especially for that may come to a home from a lack of understanding on the part of the father and how it may be averted by a better comprehension of the boyish soul. Nine-year-old Ben Alexander plays the part of with Henry Walthall as the Ia honor of this special occasion. the Saturday matinee this week will be called "Daddies' Day" and all children bringing their fathers will receive.
complimentary ticket themselves which may be used at some other time. In case daddy can not come this will also obtain for mothers. The A. representatives on the better films committee are asked by Newton C. Wing, matinee chairman, and by Mrs.
John W. Lloyd, A. chairman, to convey this information to as many as sible of their A. members, especially those associations which meet this Something brand new will be started at the matinee this week with the first two installments of the serial, "The Fighting Ranger." This will be the first time a serial has been shown the Saturday matinees. Together with its usual fine prologue feature, the program for this week promises to be unusually entertaining.
The matinee starts at 9:30 with the admission 10 cents for children and cents for adults. Mrs. John G. Courtney, chaperon chairman, with her committee and the Boy and Girl Scouts will be on hand to take care of the children who come without their parents. Mrs.
Connally Celebrates Seventy-Sixth Birthday. An event of social prominence was the birthday dinner given at "The a the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. L.
Connnally, on Ashby street in West End. the occasion marking the seventy-sixth birthday celebration of Mrs. Connally, one of the most popular and beloved women in Atlanta. Cut flowers and potted plants decorated the lower floor of the house. for its central decoration a large basThe exquisitely de appointed table had ket filled with red radiance roses and narcissi.
Silver candlesticks held red tapers and red mints and nuts were served in silver compotes. Covers were placed for Dr. and Mrs. E. L.
Connally, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Brown.
Miss Sally Brown, Dr. Carter Helm Jones, Mr. and Mrs. John Spalding, Mr. and Mrs.
Warner Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Hentz, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Connally, Misses Fannie Sue Bailey, Leonarah Gordon, of Rome: Harriett Brandon, Dublin, Mary Brown Spalding, Constance Spalding, Frances Spalding.
Sally Spalding and Elizabeth Spalding. Mrs. Zachary Will Be Club Hostess. Mrs. R.
E. Eakes, Mrs. F. B. Coleman and Mrs.
E. K. Large will have charge of the Wednesday Morning club, which meets at 10:30 o'clock on Wednesday with Mrs. J. H.
Zachary, at her home, 157 Myrtle street. Susannah Wesley Class To Entertain. The Susannah Wesley, class, of give a Hither Friday afternoon, JanDruid Methodist church, will uary 8, from 3. to o'clock at the home of Mrs. J.
T. Selman. 46 North Decatur road. All members and friends of the class invited. James L.
Key A. To Meet. Judge Garland, Watkins will address the Key A. this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Janmeeting at the school. Albert Howell, Honored By Mr.
Robinson on Birthday Albert Howell, was honor guest at an elaborate dinner given by James D. Robinson, his lifelong friend, at his home on Ponce de Leon avenue, in Druid Hills, Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, the occasion marking the sixtieth birthday of Mr. Howell. Each guest's place at the elegantly appointed table was marked with a unique and exquisite place card in the form of an attractive little booklet, tied together with a blue ribbon bow. A photograph of the honor guest ornamented the outside, and a poem by Frank L.
Stanton, Georgia poet-laureate, appeared inside, autographed by this well-known poet. The names of the guests, lettered in gold on the back of the pamphlet, ineluded Clark Howell, H. M. Atkinson. W.
H. Kiser, R. F. Maddox, John W. Grant.
R. B. Pegram, Harry L. English. Dr.
W. S. Elkin, J. Ferris Cann of Savannah, Andrew C. Erwin of Athens, Albert Howell, and Mr.
Robinson. Mr. Stanton's poem was as follows: Prince of Good Fellows. Prince of good fellows from his birth, The true hand to extend, Companion of the home and hearthAnd very salt of this old earthA friend who IS a friend! Good natured: Put him to the test. Greets Trouble smiling bright; He ever does his level best In aiding others to be blestA messenger of Light.
When sweet red lips came into play, With blossoms white on, foam, Just far enough he goes astray To keep in mind the breaks day And hike for Home Sweet Home! Miss Isacoff Weds Louis Gavant In Y. W. H. A. Hall To strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march Miss Eva Isacoff, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Isacoff, 304 East Linden street, became the bride of Louis Gavant, of Miami, formerly of Atlanta, at 8:30 o'clock Tuesday night in the main assembly hall of the Y. W. H. Rabbi A.
Clark P. and Washington street, Hirmes, of the Washington street synagogue, officiating. Miss Gertrude Isacoff, sister of the bride, was maid-of-honor. She was charming in a gown of flesh georgette elaborately trimmed in rhinestones and crystals, and carried a corsage of pink roses. Miss Freda Isacoff, younger sister of the bride, was bridesmaid.
She wore Nile green georgette crepe and carried pink roses. The matron-ofhonor was Mrs. S. Isacoff, mother the bride. She was gowned in powder blue georgette dress and carried red roses.
Raymond Cohen, of Atlanta, was best man, and Mack Schrieber was groomsman. The hall was artistically, decorated in smilax and altar being erected of orange blossoms and colorful orange branches. Immediately following the ceremony a sumptuous course dinner was served Eighteenth amendments by the score Conld cot his thirst amend: Though ever ready for "one He stood while others hit the floor And knew the number on his door And helped a helpless friend! The good he does is never known Broadcasted from on high; He lives not for himself alone, To halting ones a stepping stoneA brother standing by. Humor is his. in high degree.
And yet in wise control: It comes from the Ancestral Tree. A little "broad." but flashing free- The sunlight of the soul! And when his way to heaven he'll take His ticket marked, "First class." Saint Peter this remark will make. While reaching out his hand to shake: bad enough in hell to bakeJust good enough to He'll be at home in that high dome. And when we hear the call. True to his friends, as in the past, Should Satan seek.
to hold them fast, He'll still be loyal to the lastA pleader for us all! He'll sail on rivers, famed of old. That flow with milk and honer, Not asking heaven's streets of gold To melt 'em into money. But where the saints are singing so, A listener he will stand. And milk and honey "spiked" I know, He'll lustily demand! "God give us Men!" was once the ery, And, on the human plan, We now behold, with heart of gold, A man who is a Man! "Here's looking at you." Albert! Here's Your health by night and day! And when you tip-toe up the stairs You may banish all your fears While angels shout their cheers. Atlanta A.
Council Meeting The Atlanta Council of Parents and Teachers will meet on Thursday morning, January 7, at 10 o'clock at the Edico Piano com- pany, 241 Peachtree street. All past presidents are cordially invited. ing the Christmas holidays at the Fiesta of the American tropics, of which Mr. Webster is an honorary director. They were joined by E.
A. Hartsock, who has recently accepted a responsible position with the Coral Gables corporation. Ralph Griffin was the recent guest of relatives in Marion, Ala. W. M.
Stephenson, of Cleveland, Ohio, is a visitor in the city. Rev. R. L. Wood, of Marion, was a recent visitor in Atlanta.
Miss Iris Davenport, of Fitzgerald, and New York city, was guest of Miss Myrtie O'Steen on Sunday. Pirate Club Is Honored. Miss Sarah Southerland entertained the Pirate club Tuesday at her home on East Seventeenth street. The officers of the club are: Miss Virginia Turman, president; Miss Lugenia Bridges, vice president; Miss Josephine Clark, secretary; Miss rah Foote, treasurer. The active members include: Miss Frances Barnett, Josephine Clark, Miss Boyce Lokey, Miss l'at Roger, Miss Helena Callaway, Miss Eleanor Maude, Miss Kate Thompson, Miss Virginia Dearing, Miss Kitty Park, Miss Mary Moseley, Miss Sarah Southerland, Miss Sarah Foote, Miss Sarah Law, Miss Sarah Meador, Miss Augusta Porter, Miss Lena Knox, Miss Jane Tway, Miss Virginia Turman, Miss Ruth Madden, Miss Dorothy Raine, Miss Ruth Miller and Aliss Esther Garrett.
Pittsburgh Visitor Given Supper-Dance. Mrs. Ellis Smith, of Pittsburgh, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. I. Eplan, was the honor guest at an elaborate supper-dance a which Mrs.
Eplan entertained Tuesday evening at her home on Piedmont avenue. The lower floor of the home was decorated for the occasion with quantities of palms, ferns and American Beauty roses. Supper was served buffet style at 11:30 o'clock from a beautifully appointed table in the dining room which held as a centerpiece a silver vase filled with long-stemmed American Beauty roses. Mrs. R.
M. Cohen, sister of the hostess and honor guest, assisted in receiving. Mrs. Eplan received her guests wearing Mrs. a Smith black velvet handsomely evening gown.
was gowned in black chiffon in handpainted design. Mrs. Cohen's costume was of black georgette, fashionably draped. Fifty guests were invited to meet Mrs. Smith.
Drama League Honors Alabama Director. The Drama league entertained luncheon Tuesday at the Atlanta Woman's club in honor of Bernard Szold, director of Little Theater guild of Birmingham, Ala. Mrs. Edgar Neely, president of the Atlanta Drama league, acted as official hostess and introduced Mr. Szold, who gave a delightful and i instructive talk.
Mrs. Neely was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. John M. Slaton, Mrs. J.
E. Sommerfield, Mrs. John R. Hornady, Mrs. Marvin B.
Perry and Mrs. Cyril B. Smith. Among those present were Mrs. Lewis Moss, Mrs.
Millis, Mrs. M. E. Oliver, Miss Natalie Hammond, Mrs. Hinton Clark, Mrs.
Sinclair Jacobs, Mrs. J. E. Billups, Miss Eleonore Raoul, Mrs. Ira Farmer and Mrs.
Victor Kriegshaber. Mrs. LaFontaine Honors Pupils. An enjoyable party of the holiday season were those given by Mrs. Charles ua Fontaine at her home on Euclid avenue to her dancing classes.
A miniature house, completely furnished and electrically lighted with a cheery red light, was the attractive ornament in the dining room. Each guest was presented tiny toys as favors. An elaborate program of classical dances was rendered by the pupils during the afternoon. Popular dancing, a "Paul Jones" and Virginia reel were also features of the occasion. There were special songs and by Henry Heinz, and Polly Harris, Joe Reed, Russell Brown and Mildred Adams, Barbara Chaffee and Norma and Churchill Houston.
Mrs. La Fontaine received her guests wearing jade green satin trimmed with black fur. Business Woman's League Meeting Postponed. Because of the installation of new or officers in the missionary circles of First Methodist church this week, and the aditional fact that two of the league officers will be unable to attend, the regular meeting of the Business Woman's league is postponed until Friday evening, January, 15, the guests and dancing was enjoyed in the ballroom. After a honeymoon trip of several weeks to points in Florida, the young couple will reside in Miami, where the groom is engaged in business.
Mrs. Joseph Owens Gives Bridge Tea. Mrs. Joseph H. Owens entertained bridge tea Tuesday at the home of her parents, Judge and Mrs.
W. F. Jenkins, on Briarchft road, honoring Mrs. John H. Owen, of Roanoke, and Mrs.
George Ellis. Mrs. Owen was assisted by her mother, Mrs. W. F.
Jenkins, and her sister, Mrs. Virginia Jenkins. Those invited included Mrs. James Denhardt, Miss Margaret Moncrief. Miss Dorothy Monerief.
Miss Louise Brent, Clara Louise Scott, Estelle Lindsey, Martha Tumlin, Venice Mayson, Elizabeth Richardson, Louise Sullivan. Anna Harwell. Mrs. Jack Clarke, Mrs. Seward Smith, Mrs.
Dean Christopher, Mrs. Eugene Johnson. Miss Ruth Crussele, Miss Josephine Davis. Alma" "Sister J. Grover's Soft Tender Feet $6 sole soft "Sister Black and Alma, Kid Specially rubber with priced, heels.
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